Broad Band Light

/Broad Band Light
Broad Band Light 2018-07-17T09:09:32-04:00

Broad Band Light (BBL) Treatment in Mountainside, New Jersey

BBL (Broad Band Light) is intense pulsed light that treats a range of skin conditions by delivering different wavelengths of light to the layers of the skin.  BBL penetrates to multiple depths, and this makes it a versatile skin rejuvenation option.

Sciton BBL

The cutting-edge Joule aesthetic laser platform by Sciton Inc includes an innovative BBL module that uses advanced dual-lamp technology. The BBL handpiece is equipped with Finesse Adaptors that make it an effective treatment for almost any part of the body.

What can BBL treat?

BBL is popularly used for skin rejuvenation, hair removal, and as an anti-aging therapy to keep the skin looking youthful. It also treats a variety of skin blemishes including vascular lesions and pigmented lesions.

Vascular lesions

Vascular lesions occur as a result of blood vessels below the surface of the skin that become dilated or enlarged, and change in appearance. Common types of vascular lesions include small facial veins, port wine stains, rosacea, and cherry angiomas.

When treating vascular lesions, the light energy targets and heats up the hemoglobin in the blood vessels. The hemoglobin absorbs the light energy which results in a thermal effect that closes off the blood vessels. The vessels subsequently fade, leaving the skin smoother and clearer.

Pigmented Lesions

Pigmented lesions are marks such as freckles, sunspots, and age spots that are caused by excess sun exposure. The heat from the BBL handpiece targets and breaks up the unwanted pigment. The pigmented lesions get darker after treatment, and flake off within the following 7-14 days.

What to expect

There is virtually no downtime after BBL treatment, so most patients are able to return to work immediately. It typically requires a series of 3-5 treatments to achieve optimal results.

BBL broadband light is a safe, effective treatment that can target specific skin concerns, or provide overall skin rejuvenation.

To learn more about Broad Band Light Treatment or to Schedule Your Free Consultation with Board-Certified Physician, Dr. Salvaji, please fill out the form on this page or call Arrive MedSpa, located in Mountainside, NJ, at 908.654.6855. We look forward to working with you!

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